Zoho Implementation Services

Project Requirements/Plan and Budget

Project Requirements-Our consultants will interview and work with your team to understand the initial project requirements.  A detailed description of these requirements will de documented, and recommendations on the system configuration will be made to facilitate the business process.

Project Budget- An initial project estimate will be developed based on the project requirements.  Once this is balanced against anticipated budget, a final estimate will be provided and provide the bases for a contract.  Project Budget vs Actuals vs Estimates to complete are published weekly to ensure expectations are being met.

Project Plan- Based on the requirements and the budget, an detailed implementation plan will be developed and will include detailed project steps, responsibility, and timeline.  This ensures that the project is delivered on time and on budget.

Software Configuration and Modification

Software Configuration- Based on the requirements, and the modules that have been determined to be  implemented, the ERP, CRM or other products configurations will be modified to facilitate the business process.  This typically is accomplished by taking two approaches.  

The first is by modifying the setup options in each product.  Each option can have an important impact on how transactions flow through the system.  

The second is by making changes to the screen layouts, adding necessary fields to collect data, create workflows to automate processes and finally creating dashboards or reports.

Modification/Customization- For those items  needed to support the business process,  but cannot be met through configuration, a customization approach is taken.  This may include writing custom code or applications, integrating to an external application,  or embedding custom modifications directly into the interface.  

Data Conversion and Training

Data Conversion- Almost all implementations involve moving data from a current system into your Zoho implementation.  This can be accomplished using two methods.

The first is to export the data in Excel or another database, modify if necessary, and import into the Zoho database using the standard import tool.

The second is by using the out of the box API, an application can be written to automatically take the data out of the target system and write it directly to the Zoho application.

Training- Once the system has been configured, Trovare can provide to you training templates, which can be modified to guide an end user on how to enter transactions into the system.  This initial training is typically provided to a small group of users since some additional configuration changes might come out of this process.  Once this is complete, the client is able to conduct broader end user training to the organization.